Together with Widener University Philladelphia, U.S and Coventry University London, UK. We teamed up and challenged both ourselves and the other teams to come up with the best Strategy assessment regarding the pressence of Huawei’s 5G infrastructure within our own imaginary country, a controversial topic which includes multiple perspectives and stakeholders to comply with.
Starting off this project, we choose three countries functioning as a baselayer to derive our own strategy. By conducting thorough research, we eventually set up the guidelines for our own strategy towards Huawei.
Our selection:
The base for this selection is argumented by the different perspectives towards the implementation of Huawei’s 5g infrastructure within each country. Assessing multiple policies showcased challenges. Think of threats towards national security, impact on the economy and the potential involvement of political benefits. Therefore, in addition to the policyassesments, It became clear that assessing multiple stakeholders would provide solid insights in the scale of both influence and interests different actors have towards the case.
An example of the conducted stakeholderanalyses for Sweden.
Combining insights from the selected countries, it was time to formulate the strategy towards the acceptance of Huawei’s 5g infrastructure within Cyberia:
Personal process
Deriving multiple backgrounds for stakeholders within the U.S combining a focus on the overall proces aswell. Keeping a constant finger on the pulse towards our “Modus operandi” and being able to take responibility on the overall process and argue this towards our assessors. Therefore I tried to back this using “core concepts” of our cooperation, emphasized within the presentation.
Before you take a look at the slides, I want to finish this post project blog with the outcome of the project: because of our effort and smooth cooperation, we scored straight 9’s across the board. I am happy to have been immersed within a group of motivated and like minded students from across the globe, challenging ourselves with different timezones and cultures.